Joined and Knitted Together, 2022 Pledge Campaign

On Sunday, November 7th, All Saints’ Sunday, we will consecrate our pledges for the coming year. Pledge cards have been mailed and are available in the entrance to the church. In the fourth chapter of Paul’s letter to Ephesus, he encourages the faithful to work and grow together. To do this, Paul offers the metaphor of the body as requiring a whole bunch of different parts that do a whole bunch of different things working properly in order for the body to grow. My guess is that we have all lost touch with the normal ways we evaluate the health of our body as we continue in the uncertainty of the pandemic. Whether you’re the opposable thumb type or the bleeding-heart type, the whole body needs you right now, and I suspect, if you were honest with yourself, you could fall into some grace, mercy, and love yourself. This week, I encourage you to read Ephesians 4:1-16, and prayerfully consider: what is the Lord asking of me to build up the church in love?
In gratitude for God’s faithfulness as I am joined and knitted together with his church, I commit myself to a faithful financial pledge to support the mission and ministry of St. Patrick’s and Our Saviour.
Please select one option.
Thank you for your tithe!
Please select all that apply.
You will be sent an email or letter confirming your pledge along with your 2021 contributions in January 2022.


On Sunday, November 7th, All Saints’ Sunday, we will consecrate our pledges for the coming year. Pledge cards have been mailed and are available in the entrance to the church. In the fourth chapter of Paul’s letter to Ephesus, he encourages the faithful to work and grow together. To do this, Paul offers the metaphor of the body as requiring a whole bunch of different parts that do a whole bunch of different things working properly in order for the body to grow. My guess is that we have all lost touch with the normal ways we evaluate the health of our body as we continue in the uncertainty of the pandemic. Whether you’re the opposable thumb type or the bleeding-heart type, the whole body needs you right now, and I suspect, if you were honest with yourself, you could fall into some grace, mercy, and love yourself. This week, I encourage you to read Ephesians 4:1-16, and prayerfully consider: what is the Lord asking of me to build up the church in love?